21st Feb 2012
Our Support to our Communities
FullHost is committed to supporting those that make our communities abetter place. If you are a non-profit organization, registered society,co-operative, NGO or any type of organization that is directly engagedin or advocating for youth, diversity, marginalized individuals, healthand well-being, environmental education, sustainability etc., ...
7th Feb 2012
New 30 Day Money Back Guarantee for Hosting Services
FullHost is proud to announce a 30 day money back guarantee for hosting services. FullHost provides a 30 day money back guarantee to all new Customers of FullHost. This guarantee covers hosting related Services for Shared Hosting and Resellers Plans, and does not cover any fees charged for setup, domain registration, or additional fees ...
1st Nov 2011
Welcome to Our New Website
FullHost is proud to launch our new website. Let us know what you think and if there is any suggestions you have for improvements or new products, we would love to hear from you!